Learn the Tarot cards

Learning the Tarot Cards can be a really simple and useful tool for your own growth and exploration. You may wish to take it up as a hobby to develop your own spirituality, or as a tool to assist others on their life journey, or just to have fun with it. Whatever your reason, it’s a great tool to have in your toolbox.

Many people have asked whether they would be able to learn how to read the cards. The answer is yes!


Strong intuition definitely helps, but learning the tarot can actually help you grow your own intuition.

With your newfound knowledge of the Tarot deck, you can use it:

• As a tool for meditation and in rituals
• As a tool to see what choices are available to you
• To help co-create your/ others future(s)
• To step into your own intuitive power
• To tap into the unconscious power around you
• To journal and clarify your dreams
• As a tool for self exploration and expansion

Why wait?
Use this time to learn about this ancient divination form. I am available to teach you in the comfort of your own home via Zoom, Skype or Whatsapp Video.

Please email me for more details