There are two primary energies in the Universe: Fear and love. Both energies are hard at work at this moment in time, and it’s a challenge to keep our emotions in balance and in check We might think that the opposite of Love is...

Learning the Tarot Cards can be a really simple and useful tool for your own growth and exploration. You may wish to take it up as a hobby to develop your own spirituality, or as a tool to assist others on their life journey, or...

THE MESSAGE: If you have drawn this card then you are being touched by inspiration now. All that you have gathered from your life, as well as all that you feel from life, is awakening now. New worlds and opportunities are opening up within you.   Make sure...

* MANIFESTATION  *  RELEASE *  GROUNDING Smoky Quartz enables you to look beyond. It’s almost as if the smoke in the stone absorbs the haziness that holds us back from our intuition and psychic insight When you need to take time to...

Smudging is the burning of herbs with intent to manifest change in emotions, thoughts, surroundings and reality. It's a practice that connects cultures, religions and belief systems throughout history for cleansing, healing and spiritual purposes (and it's earliest use can be traced to ancient Egypt!). Homes...

There's no doubt that the energy out there seems fear-driven, but we CAN control our thoughts and choose where to invest our energy. That means that rather than focusing on the things we can't control, or tapping into what's missing, we can actively dedicate energy...

Crystals sing and speak, and when they choose YOU, they sparkle and shine. You might feel an inner tug that’s almost irresistible, and might find that you just feel like you ‘have to take it home!’ Remember, everything is ENERGY and crystals are no different. All...

Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. Purifying and opening the heart at all levels, this crystal encourages unconditional love and helps restore trust and harmony in relationships.   With its gentle pink essence, rose quartz carries a soft feminine energy and can help to promote...

YES reading Tarot Cards and doing Numerology often gets that reaction out of people! Luckily we are living in an expansive Universe and consciousness is rising above the fear that was created around divination tools that can be of so much use to us in...

Sometimes we all can do with confirmation or clarification, know that we are heading on the right path, whether we are making the right choice or not. Looking out for universal signs can help you become aware of outside guidance....